Research & Development


Specimen mounter

Specimen observation equipment

We have acquired the utility model rights of a specimen observation device developed by the Nagasaki University Institute of Tropical Medicine, and are currently working on prototyping. It will go on sale soon.

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Electronic aspirator for small flying arthropods

Small insect suction and exhaust device

We have been granted the patent application rights for a small insect suction and discharge device developed by the Nagasaki University Institute of Tropical Medicine, and are currently in the final stages of prototyping. It will be available for sale soon.

Novel equipment for vector sampling

Sanitary pest collection equipment

We are currently developing equipment for collecting sanitary pests. We will begin selling the equipment one by one.

For education in medical entomology

Sanitation and pest education

We are working on planning and selling fan items aimed at spreading awareness of pest hygiene.